Spending time with friends and family on your very own deck is one of the great traditions that we have in this country. If you are thinking about finally building one, then you’ve probably given things like the layout, material, or even the type of stain to be used a great deal of thought. One thing, however, that may have escaped your notice is the pattern. To remedy that, a roof replacement and deck installation specialist shares the three most popular deck patterns that are currently used today.

1. Horizontal
Installing your decking material in a horizontal pattern is by far the easiest way to finish its surface. If your deck is less than 20 feet wide, you should be able to finish the decking without having to add any butt joints. If it is larger than 20 feet, you may need to splice the deck boards over a joist.
2. Diagonal
This technique entails installing your decking at a 45-degree angle. This configuration not only serves an aesthetic purpose but also a functional one as it increases the strength of the deck frame. One drawback, however, is the increase of the waste factor since this technique requires you to make a lot of cuts. But by hiring an experienced general contractor, you can reduce the amount of waste substantially.
3. Herringbone
If you want something a little more elaborate, then a herringbone deck is for you. The herringbone pattern is an arrangement of rectangles so named because it resembles the bones of a herring. You will often find this type of configuration on a parquet floor or even on road pavement. When using it for your deck, you may consider using contrasting colors for an added effect.
Whether you are in need of minor roof repair services or are looking for a skilled contractor to build your very own deck, give the pros over at Masters Roofing a call at (901) 871-7663 or fill out our contact form to schedule a free consultation today. We happily serve residents in Cordova, TN, as well as its surrounding communities.