If your home’s current color scheme is making the entire structure look outdated, it might be time to freshen it up with a new coat of paint. However, like most home improvement projects, it is a task that’s not advisable to do on your own. You’re better off handing the job over to professional painters. This way, you steer clear of these four painting mistakes homeowners often make:

1. Forgetting About Lead
If your house was built prior to 1978, there is a good probability that it contains at least one coat of lead-based paint on the exterior. The health effects of lead paint weren’t identified until that year. If you are unsure whether your property has lead-based paint, you should get professional advice because removing lead-based paint poses a number of health risks.
2. Using the Wrong Kind of Paint
The most common mistake homeowners make when it comes to this project is using the wrong kind of paint. Be sure to choose a paint color that matches the one that’s used for its current color scheme. If it was painted with latex, keep using it. Put a few drops of alcohol on a rag to identify the paint. If some of the paint comes off on the rag, it could be latex. Be sure to examine trim, doors, and windows separately.
3. Not Cleaning and Preparing Everything Properly
Paint won’t adhere effectively to a dirty surface, so it is always a good idea to clean your home exteriors first before painting. Remember that the paint job will only be as excellent as the surface on which it’s applied. Preparing for exterior painting involves removing flaking paint, priming exposed wood, and repairing rot — all of which are best left in the hands of the professionals.
4. Not Hiring Professionals
You might think that it’s in your best financial interest to do the work yourself. But finding and hiring professional painters can save you time, money, and stress most of the time. Pro painters always know how to get the job done right, quickly, and safely. Think about getting an estimate from a professional painter or a few, and make sure they are insured.
Save on time and unnecessary costs by hiring professionals for your home exterior and interior painting needs. At Masters Roofing, we can help revitalize your home’s facade or interiors with a stunning, eye-catching color palette that matches your home’s architectural style. Call us at (901) 871-7663, or fill out our contact form to request a free estimate. We proudly serve clients in Memphis, TN, and nearby communities.